Your body is a vehicle for transformation and healing


Amy Burrell is a licensed massage therapist in practice for over 20 years. She is trained in many modalities including deep tissue, structural energetic and cranial work, and relaxation. Sessions can include hot stones, essential oils, and cupping.

Intimacy Wellness

Relationship Coaching

Tantra for women and couples

Intimacy Wellness is a holistic healing modality for body, mind, spirit, and sex. It includes both Western and Eastern approaches including Tibetan tantra, Taoist sexual practices, movement practices, breathwork, and self-massage instructions to facilitate healing. This modality is taught to women and couples. Offered in person and on Zoom.

Grof® Breathwork

Journey into expanded holotropic states using music and the breath. Moving towards wholeness, releasing what is ready to be released, and becoming more available to what is moving towards you.

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“I am on the autism spectrum. I came to each of the three Holotropic Breathwork sessions with an open mind and the intent of releasing emotional blockages and establishing an emotional connection with my body. I walked into my first session exhausted and afraid of everyone in the room and walked out laughing and full of energy. In each session, I was able to bring my body to a state of vibration that felt like it was lit up from head to toe. Physical matter felt less dense and opaque. My natural autistic timidity and social reservations were dislodged - a lasting effect I noticed between sessions - and I trust that further work with this modality will continue to open me up. This experience is fun, especially for those inclined to music, dance, and yoga, and it is safe.”

Grof® Breathwork Client